In the photo LJ and his friend David are in costume for their roles in Little Women. LJ played Mr. March (the father). This play, performed at a small community theater, had a short run, with only two performances; but it’s always fun for proud mom and dad to watch LJ on stage.
Track season is over; LJ continued to better his times in hurdles and the 200 meter sprint throughout the season.
Bob & I are working as volunteers at the state track meet this coming weekend (May 18 & 19), being held at Hayward Field* in Eugene. LJ is not involved, but we wanted to be good track team supporters.
Bob just wrapped up the budget process at his job with the City of Springfield. Being president-elect for Twin Rivers Rotary Club here in Springfield is keeping him busy too.
I’m still part-time onsite with the hospital and doing some free lance writing with the school and park districts. And of course playing chauffeur to LJ (orthodontist, play practice, track practice, church, etc.) I do find time to read and watch too much TV, though.
Roses, a massage gift certificate, sweet cards, and a lovely dinner cooked by Bob. Then Bob and LJ accompanied me in the Million Moms March (two-mile walk) that took place in Eugene, along the Willamette River. It is an annual event that celebrates Mother’s Day, which (preHallmark) was originally designed as a day for mothers to grieve he loss of loved ones to war and to strive for peace in the world to protect their husband’s and sons from being killed. This year’s walk was dedicated to gun safety in homes and to promoting peace in Iraq.
Hayward is the field named after U of O track Coach Bill Hayward, but made famous with the international track community by Hayward’s successor Bill Bowerman. Bowerman coached Steve PreFontaine, and quite a few other world class track atheletes in the late 1960s into the 1970s. One of the students he coached was Phil Knight. Together Knight and Bowerman founded Nike.
A great book, Bowerman & the Men of Oregon by Kenny Moore, interweaves the Nike company story, the Olympics and world politics, as well as the tragedy of Prefontaine’s life and too early death into a compelling read. Moore was a long-distrance runner coached by Bowerman in the 1960s, remains a good friend of the Bowerman family, and he is a well-respected writer (Sports Illustrated, PreFontaine movie, etc.). Bowerman’s home while he coached (where his son Jay lives today) is just around the corner from us.