We went snowboarding (Mom & LJ) and skiing (LJ) Easter weekend, April 7 & 8, 2007. April 7 was also LJ's 15th birthday. Bob took the photos at the lift (see further down the page). LJ did jumps for the first time this trip, and he had not skied in past three years -- but he did great. Notice we do wear our helmets.
From her snowboard, Mom took the ones of LJ skiing down the summit.
LJ is at the level of a ski patrol on skis; Mom is a beginner on snowboard. "I would have never done the Mt. Bachelor summit run, if LJ had not been with me and on skis. LJ is a beginning snowboarder too, but he is an ultra advanced skier."

Summer 2005, Bob & LJ on the Arno River Bridge, a few blocks from our lodgings in Florence, Italy.